So I picked my favorite bears of the bunch - and really its taking into account that my second favorite bears are the Panda Care Bear cousins Perfect and Polite but since I already did pandas just before this I thought it may be cheating. Also I had a big love on for Grams Bear - who was my equivalent to my ACTUAL Grandma to me anyway.
So my FAVORITE Bear is Birthday Bear. I actually received a plush of him when I was young. I actually think it was my first stuffed toy ever but I'm not sure. He's also to me like Bobo is to Mr. Burns - forever beloved, forever left behind. I have no idea where he is. But I'd like to imagine in some little girls loving arms and not a landfill :(
However, since then Ben went out and bought me a replacement Birthday Bear and surprised me with it. Such a great hubby right?
I used Nubar LLC for the base, China Glaze White on White for the Clouds and various nail art pens for Birthday Bear.
And then we have Cheer Bear on my pointer, Grumpy Bear on my middle, Good Luck Bear on my ring and Tenderheart Bear on my pinky.
I actually forgot all about Funshine Bear - who was also not only one of my favorites, but also my favorite colour yellow, but by that time I had already put my top coat on. Boo.
I love how surprised they all look! Hahaha, what can I say, its hard to do face detail that small :P
And just incase you have no clue what i'm talking about, get a load of the nostalgic awesomeness that is the Care Bears, but not the "Care Bears Family" that I remember the best because all the youtuber's have disabled the embed feature for that intro >:(
These are great!
My favourite was Good Luck Bear, I liked his shamrock helicopter.
Dude, these kick ass! :)
such a clean, detailed, awesome work! I'm very impressed, amazing!
those are amazing! and amazingly adorable!!! well done!
You do the cutest nail art! You ROCK!
These are SO CUTE Niki!!! You rock!!!
OMG this is amazing!!! As a child of the 80's I squeed out loud when I saw this!
omgoodness. CUTEST nail art I think I've seen in a long time! =D
Aghh! I love care bears.
Very Cute! You think you can pull off Tinkerbell????
♥ SailorWifey
favorite nails ever!!!
This is so cute! I loved the care bears when I was little are so talented!:)
I loved Funshine Bear!
I loved the Care Bears too!! What a wicked mani :D
Aww thanks everyone!!! I had tons of fun doing this one :D Brought back lots of good memories! And had the theme stuck in my head for like an hour...and now its back again.
Brittany B. - tinkerbell eh!? I think i totally can :) adding it to my list!!
wow this is so cool. i just stumbled on your blog and I am now follower. good job
AMAZING job!!! seriously can't stop staring at their cute little faces! great talent.
Where did you get them done at
I do all my nail art myself.
My girlfriend loves them
I found this nail art because I plan to make a Care bear nail art too. But mine won't be wonderful like yours!!
It's awesome!!! :)
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