Sunday, January 15, 2012

Octopi Bento

Kai is one lucky man. I'm on a diet right now trying to finally shed this baby weight and I want pasta dammit! He's also been a bit sick so he hasn't been eating most of what I've been cooking so I tried to make some of his favorites today.

Two types of pasta: whole wheat in cheese sauce, elbow pasta with mushroom soup. Topped with some cherry tomatoes, carrot circles and hotdogs shaped like octopi with nori faces!

Then some blueberries with apricot and cheese bears! He better eat it dammit!


  1. So cute! I went on a Bento kick a couple of years ago and got dozens of items....then fizzled out and hardly any of it has been used. I must resurrect them.

  2. Konad - resurrect indeed!!! Everything I do is a passing hobby LOL but I'm join fun with bentoing :)

    Shasha- super easy! Just slice the end of the dog into strips then boil them do about 45 sec! Octopus hotdogs!


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