Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Karmin G3 Review and Boozemas Party Nails Did

 I mentioned before that I would be receiving a Karmin G3 Flat Iron from the lovely people at Karmin to give a test run! Now I don't straighten my hair too often because it usually takes me about 2-3 hours (I'm not even joking), and that doesn't necessarily include all the prep before-hand like washing and blow drying it! So What I look for in a flat iron is something that is ceramic (I had one with metal plates on it once...never again!), light weight since I hold it for so long, and something that will hit a very high heat. The G3 is perfect for all of these, plus it has the added value over my current flat iron where it can actually straighten then put big curls in by wrapping your hair around the barrel. My current iron is so square and flat that doing that would be impossible and look pretty stupid - so I guess that's why it's one of the top hair straighteners!

So here are some before and after pics - I decided to straighten my hair for my annual Boozemas party. So keep in mind that I had been cleaning all day and didn't get a chance to actually blow dry my hair before I flat ironed it, so it looks WAY drier then it normally would. But you totally see the effect:



 It works awesomely! I can't wait to try it with my full regime of wash, blowdry and straighten. And added bonus - this only took me 1hr 45min - trust me for hair as curly and thick as mine that is AMAZING. I would highly recommend this flat iron - makes a good stocking stuffer ;) And if you DO want one for your very own take advantage of 10% off with this code: GIVEAWAY10

I also did my nails for the party! Little presents! I used China Glaze Ruby Pumps for the base and brushed on crosses of 2030 with a bit of glitter from a nail art pen on top. Then I made very quick bows with China Glaze Emerald Sparkle. I think they're festive and cute!


  1. Wow, this is one heck of a flat iron! It works actually! The ones I tried are usually very good to curl but when we switch to the flat plates it's just a lie! :(


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