Friday, November 26, 2010

Harry Potter Nails Did

Put ya nails up if you love Harry Potter!!

So good. See, I may hate Twilight but I LOVE me some Harry Potter movie franchise. This past weekend I saw the latest movie which is 1/2 of book 7 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It was seriously fantastic and was what I consider to be the closest adaptation to the books since the first and second movies. It was also a little sexy! But I won't ruin that part for a few of you who haven't seen it. GO SEE IT ALREADY!!

So I thought I'd do a little Harry Potter theme. For a base I simply used China Glaze Liquid Leather. On my thumb I did the HP logo in China Glaze 2030 and dusted on some glitter from a nail art pen in gold.

For the golden snitches I used 2030 for the ball part and then a silver nail art pen for the wings. You can't see it too well but I also swiped on some iridescence onto the wings with OPI Happy Anniversary.

I think they're super cute and I can't wait to see the part 2!! You can bring a baby to the movies right? *sigh*


  1. Sniiiitches! So cute! I loved the film as well, can't wait for the second part.

  2. I love it!!! I did something similar.

  3. I love the HP logo on your thumb nail!
    I seriously hope you get to see the second half of the film!
    I'm going to watch the 1st part this Sunday! :D


Thanks for commenting! I try my hardest to respond to each and every comment although it may take me some time - what can I say I'm off doing nail art !! :D