Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mod Kiwi-licious Nails Did

Where have you been Mr. Blog??? Sorry about the hiaatus! Ben stole my camera while he was in Germany for 10 days and then I've just been going 120% at work and the last thing I want to look at is my laptop when I get home :( BUT I do have 3 whole posts coming up (two with wicked bad iPhone pictures, so I apologize in advance).
om nom nom
So preggo-me has me really into kiwi's lately. Actually I devoured about oh, 15 in the past week alone!!! So I thought I'd do a little modern homage to my favorite fruit of the moment (although I've already moved onto watermelon, I'm so fickle like that) with some kiwi inspired nails! I used Nubar Green Tea for the base and a simple black striper pen for the "seeds". Simple...and for its simplicity it lasted all of 2 days!

Dear Sally Hansen Extended Wear Base Coat:
Does extended wear mean for more than 2 hours? Because that's all I'm getting out of you. You are the worst base coat I have ever ever used and I hate you.


  1. Super cute! Once again you prove that we think alike. This is exactly how I would do a kiwi manicure!

  2. very nice :) I like the subtle/abstract-ness :)

  3. amazing! I love kiwis to!! I eat about 2 per day! :P

  4. Too cute! The color is great for kiwi-ness ~


Thanks for commenting! I try my hardest to respond to each and every comment although it may take me some time - what can I say I'm off doing nail art !! :D