Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Coming Soon! Nails Did

So, finally I can say why I've been so wishy-washy with posting as well as explain my extreme tiredness. That's right - I'm expecting a little nail polish lover...or New York Giant's future player...we're not quite sure yet.

Anyway the past 3 months have really been kicking my butt, however things are finally looking up! I'm finally not falling asleep at 7pm..mostly. Now its more around 8:30pm lol.

So I did a Stork with a green bundle (we're not finding out the sex till I pop it out!), a diaper, a baby bottle, a pacifier and my due date: Dec. 30!
For the pink background I used Colour Club Pardon My French and for the blue, Colour Club Take Me To Your Chateau.

Everything else is done with nail art pens.

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer! We have a heat wave here in the city and I pretty much feel like I'm melting!


  1. congrats!!! that stork is so effing cute!!! but really, the Giants?! lol, j/k

  2. congratulations!!! :) .. and that's a verrrry cute mani!

  3. Eiiiiiiiiiiii congrats! My 3 year old son is constantly asking me to paint his nails...

  4. Wow! Congratulations!!! That mani is fantastic :)

  5. Congrats!! What a fantastic mani for fantastic news :o)

  6. Congrats!!!! Ahhh...I just love that mani. You'll have to save a photo of it for the baby book.

  7. Congratulations!!!! :) Maybe a New Year's baby? Welcome to the much easier second trimester. :)

  8. Congratulations! Love the nail art...so cute!

  9. Congratulations! Luckily we have many masculine nail polishes too so maybe the baby will be a polish lover no matter what? LOL

    Remember not to breathe on the fumes heavily now. Eases your own being and baby's as well. Enjoy the growing bump, it's such a pretty sight <3

  10. Wow, thats awesome, congratulations!!

  11. Congrats!!!!!! :D

    Hey, have you joined my Essence Eclipse giveaway yet? If not here's a link:

  12. Thanks everyone!!! We're both really excited!

  13. Congrats!!! So exciting. Glad you are feeling a little better. Cute mani!

  14. This is amazing news!! Congratulations! The nails are fab as well (:


Thanks for commenting! I try my hardest to respond to each and every comment although it may take me some time - what can I say I'm off doing nail art !! :D