Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring is in the Air Nails Did

I can't even begin to tell you how lazy I was tonight. It took a WHOLE lot of effort to even take off my kimono nails LOL. I just had a really tiring/drama filled day at work. Man, TV peeps can be so dramatic!

Anyway, I thought I'd do something a bit cheery to lift my spirits a bit and try out some Konad layering. Now, I have discovered that in order to do wicked awesome Konad layering you obviously have to have more than 5 Konad plates :S BUT I'm workin with what I got :D

So I started off with Orly Snowcone as the base and used a nail art pen in white topped off with Sally Hansen Disco Ball for the clouds. Then with trusty Konad plate M51 and M66 I layered grass with Zoya Veruschka, Nubar Green Tea and OPI Jade is the New Black. Then I freehanded some little ladybugs with black and red nail art pens.

They make me kinda happy! And also kinda sleepy!!

Okay now I figure I'll do at least one more mani until I'm whisked off to Cuba!! I'm such a jet-setter lolz. I'm still torn on what to do for that...any suggestions??


  1. Oh my! I am in love with this! Sooo adorable!

  2. Even when you're tired and sleepy you can come up with this. Sigh. I just wish for such a summer day as this on your nails, and skills to paint it the way you do.

  3. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS Niki!!! as always, a STELLAR job. I am continually amazed by your design skills. This is so adorably cute!!

    You know, I haven't seen a single lady bug yet this spring - are they all hiding out where you live?

  4. Er.... Cuba.... rum.... er, make little Mojitos of you nails

  5. ever so cute i likes that the ladybugs are flying

  6. Cute!

    No suggestions for Cuba other than TAKE ME WITH YOU!

  7. So beautiful! ^__^ I suggest some mani with cherries or Ferrero Rocher inspired :D... or After Eight :D

  8. prettttttyyyyyyyy!!! i wanted to try it on my nails too :)

  9. ch3rryco1a, L, April, peripatetic33, Jackie S. - thank you!

    jo.frougal - hahahah you just need to bust out some konad! And nail art pens are a must :D

    Brooke - Aww thanks Brooke!! I saw just one lady bug so was on my cousin's sweater and she freaked out and started screaming "KILL IT!!". Such a nerd.

    ART OF NAIL - Thanks so much!!

    Claire's Blog - ahahahah thanks Claire. Its funny cause I actually can't draw to save my life!

    Eden Bue - Thanks for the suggestion! OMG I actually HATE mojitos! Can you believe it? I was so excited to try one the last time I was in Cuba and I spit it back into the glass :(

    Alisa - Hop in my suitcase! Only three of us are going so I have room for at least one more! :D

    Kanji - Thanks Dan! I'm gonna put your suggestion on my list..mmm...After Eight...

    Jan - Thanks Jan! If you do try it let me know and post a link so I can check it out!!

  10. i definety will. i have been following you and i am also your fan in fb... i'm like your stalker LOL you are really talented. :)

  11. omg, this is too cute for words!! nice and spring-y! :) just curious, how do you keep your edges so clean?

  12. niki dear, i cannot do something as pretty as your nail and the designs. i have said that you are a talent and i am just a fan.. haha.. here's my not so good version -->

    thanks for the inspiration :)

  13. very cute! i have never been daring enough to layer konad...but i'm slowly getting there :)

  14. Jan - They're TOTALLY awesome! I left a comment on your blog :D

    Midge - Hahahah so clean you say? LOL I always find flaws with my edges :P. I guess that sometimes I just get really lucky but most of the time I use a flat makeup brush with some nail polish remover to clean up the edges so that they look neater :)

    Emma - Thanks! Try it! It was my first time doing it too. Glammed Up has some fantastic layered Konad that makes me wish I was better at it LOL


Thanks for commenting! I try my hardest to respond to each and every comment although it may take me some time - what can I say I'm off doing nail art !! :D