Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mmm Sprinkles Nails Did

Hi everyone!!!

I'm back from Cuba and I must say...I'm sick. I'm also pretty exhausted since my flight was delayed and I didn't get in until 3:45am on Tuesday morning and I had to be at work for 9am. Boo.

FYI - if you have an illegal passport, please do not board my plane and then when its announced that you're on board, lock yourself in the bathroom. It just makes me angry.

Anyway, because I'm wicked tired (and caught a cold to go along with it...awesome) I decided to do something simple. So here are my icing and sprinkles on chocolate donut nails! Reminds me of Homer :)

I used Rimmel Torrid for the brown base and then outlined the layer of icing with China Glaze White on White first so that the Finger Paints Up & Coming Artist pink would stand out. Then I freehanded the sprinkles in China Glaze Solar Power and Orly Snowcone.

And now I'm off to bed! Why is it that I always seem to need a vacation from my vacations? lol.

And with that I leave you with some pics from my vacation! Hope everyone had a fantastic week!


  1. Nails are so cute!
    wow, that's some serious airplane drama.
    Which resort were you at in Varadero?

  2. It looks like you had a good time in Cuba! I love Homer Simpson, he's hilarious. Loving the nails as well :D

  3. Great nails! Yummy actually! :P I hope you had a great time in Cuba! :) Now you only need some rest. I liked the observation you made about needing vacation from your vacation! XDDD Welcome back!

  4. You're making me hungry. I have a giveaway if you're interested! And check out my Simpsons nails. If i had more nail room would have included the donut for Homer lol.

  5. So cute! The icing looks really 3d.

  6. Your nails look yummy :-)))
    And your pictures from your vacation are fabulous ! Seems like you had a great time !
    I hope you feel better soon :-)

  7. The Pale and Pallor Princess - Thanks Sarah! I was at Playa Caleta. It was fine for the price. Oh compromises...

    Rebecca - Thanks Rebecca! We did have a great time :)

    Kanji - LOL thanks! I ALWAYS need vacations from my vacation. I just don't know how to take it easy when there's sun and sand around!

    Nikki Warner - I know I SO want donuts...I joined your giveaway :)

    Claire's Blog, Eden Bue - thank you!

    Tuli - Thanks Tuli! I'm getting over it now, but my allergies are also kicking in :S

  8. oh my gosh... i felt really hungry when i saw the sprinkles on your nails and donuts.. i wanted to eat.. :)


Thanks for commenting! I try my hardest to respond to each and every comment although it may take me some time - what can I say I'm off doing nail art !! :D