Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tron Nails Did

OMG, have you seen the new Tron Legacy trailer? If not enjoy:

SO EXCITING! I love Tron. I even have the 20th anniversary collectors edition *pushes nerd glasses even further up the nose*. I hope they don't ruin it...but from what I can see it looks awesome!!

Of course this sparked an idea for nail art! I couldnt decide whether to do the blue vs. red (as in the movie) or the blue vs. yellow (as in the game)...yes they were different!! :P So I did both!

I started out with Essie Midnight Cami and free-handed some grid-lines with a black nail art pen.

Then I started drawing the game with my red, blue, and yellow nail art pens. I used white and orange for some accents where the other cars lose on the thumbs.

This is my left hand:

And my right hand.

and a closeup of the left thumb:

Are there any movies that you're excited to see?

I think I'm finally getting to see Alice in Wonderland today...I wanted to avoid the crowds after the whole going to see Avatar debacle :S

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!! I have a bridal shower and have to wear a hula skirt all day tomorrow.

Pray for me.


  1. I've never heard of Tron, but the trailer does look good - now I have a movie to look forward to over half a year from now!

    I love the nails! The bright blue, red, and yellow stand out so well, and the whole finished product is awesome! I can't imagine how cool it would look in real life!

  2. Love this! I saw the trailer while watching Alice!! I can't wait until this one, either!


  3. These nails are great. I'm nervous about Tron though - they could ruin a classic!


Thanks for commenting! I try my hardest to respond to each and every comment although it may take me some time - what can I say I'm off doing nail art !! :D