Monday, March 22, 2010

Aww Thanks!

Thank you so much to jo.frugal from Frugal for tagging me for these rewards :) If you haven't been to Frugal I suggest you become a follower because she has a lovely blog which deserves much love and combines two of my favorite things - nail polish and movies! In fact... I don't know about your mani routines but I actually always watch movies when I'm doing my manis - that's how I know how long they take! LOL.

Seven facts about me:
2) I'm a yoga enthusiast. I've done a yoga marathon that's lasted 4 hours!
3) I could eat Japanese food EVERYDAY
4) My favorite colour is yellow because the other girls in class chose pink
5) Despite the fact I love bacon, I didn't have it in my fridge for 9 months
6) I collect comic books
7) I'm a big tea snob and have taken classes to become a tea sommelier

For this one I'm cheating a bit LOL. Check out the 10 things that make me happy here in a previous post :) It has pictures! It's worth it ;)

 Brooke from Babbling Brooke
Krystle from The Girl Who Nailed It 
Sylvia and Lilly from the Wizards of Bling
Alisa from Polish Fiend

I'm also gonna take this opportunity to spread some Glee love!!! Its coming back April 13!! I can't WAIT!

Was that Will + Emma + a bed!? YES!! *squee*
Lol I know, I'm a loser.


  1. Aww, thank you Niki!!!

    I can't imagine 4 hours of Yoga! ah!! I took a yoga class in undergrad that met twice weekly for 3 hours - oh my goodness, that was insane. One more hour? I'd pass out! lol

    Loving the Glee love :D

  2. Thanks for the kind words, Nikki, but you deserve all the love.
    Oh, and I totally agree with you on #3!!! LOL!

  3. Thanks so much for the Love! Have you ever tried chocolate covered bacon?


Thanks for commenting! I try my hardest to respond to each and every comment although it may take me some time - what can I say I'm off doing nail art !! :D