Sunday, January 31, 2010

Polish Party Nails Did - Happy Birthday Shelby!

When I was asked by my friend Simone to be a part of her daughter Shelby's 10th bday party I thought it would be fun. And it was! 13 mani's later (one of them 3x's), my back may have been hurting and my own mani quite ruined but the thank you's and hugs were worth it :)

Happy Birthday Shelby! I hope you and your friends had an awesome time! I know I did :D


  1. aahhhh, they look so happy, looks like it was fun, the mani's are so cute too :o)

  2. Aww that's so sweet! It looks like so much fun!

  3. Thanks everyone! Both the girls and I had an awesome time!

  4. They're all so cute. I'd so love to do this some day.


Thanks for commenting! I try my hardest to respond to each and every comment although it may take me some time - what can I say I'm off doing nail art !! :D