Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Office Nails Did pt. 3

Actually this week I actually AM working really hard :( Back to back meetings every day are NOT fun. Unless you have your iPhone, which I do...I should really download tetris, or you know...start paying attention in meetings...nah.)

Anyway today I had the lovely opportunity to work with Lee and Amber on their nails on lunch break.

Lee wanted something "vampy, glittery, gothy". Since to me goth is just black, I really didn't know what she was talking about. So I thought I'd try out something new and freehand!
I used my newly acquired China Glaze Ruby Pumps as a base (fan favorite I know) and then freehanded a black lace design with a striper pen on top. I then put some silver accent with another striper pen just to make it a bit more fancy. Sorry about the blurry closeup :( I hope she likes them! I've yet to do this with real lace, but that is coming up soon for my friend Nikki who is doing a swap for a fancy hat. WHERE'S MAH HAT NIKKI!?

Amber perused this blog in advance and really liked Stripey Stripey which is REALLY funny because I told her if I was going to pick a previous design for her I would have picked the same one! So I did Stripey Stripey's Brother - Matte Stripey. Base is Orly's Matte Vinyl, topped with a variety of nail art pens in different colours with a dot of Sally Hansen Disco Ball at the top corner. Then all of that is finished off with China Glaze Matte Magic topcoat to keep it all nice, matte, and in place (after she chipped some of it of course lol - nailmergency averted!!)

Can you believe I went a full day without nail polish on my nails today? Long story about why, but funny since because I haven't even been doing this long you would think I would remember what it was like to NOT have nail polish on...but I just don't! It feels so weird I will come home after web design class tonight and do something kinda funky so watch out for that!

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Thanks for commenting! I try my hardest to respond to each and every comment although it may take me some time - what can I say I'm off doing nail art !! :D