Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Best Blog Award

Oh man, I saw these awards in my perusal of other blogs but never really thought I'd have my own nom for Best Blog Award! Very cool. Even though I'm super flattered, there are so many other lovely bloggers who do what I do even better, know so much more about the subject and inspire me every day. It's still very cool to be noticed on both this and Ink on Digital Paper for my two loves - being hyper-critical and in love with nail art!

A big thanks to The Office Bride who nominated me for this!

The rules of this award are as follows:

1. To accept the award, you must post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted you the award, and a link to their blog.
2. Pass the award on to approximately 10-15 other blogs that you recently discovered, and think are great!
3. Contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Here is who I'm nominating:

1. The Office Bride - Very cool blog if you're planning a wedding - especially during office hours! I wish it was around while I was planning my wedding so that my VP wouldn't sneer at me so much :S
2. Babbling Brooke - Super cool and creative, a mani out of embossing powder? Too cool.
3. Deez Nails - A fellow Canadian blogger who's frankened polishes will make you wish you paid attention to what colours combined make what in art class.
4. Getcha Nails Did - Awesome blog for some really cool swatches and polish combos!
5. Nail'd & Polish'd - Another great blog with some cool swatches and comparisons
6. Naive Nails - Guildedangel was one of my first followers and she has an awesome blog to boot!
7. Polish and Powder - Just hit a well deserved 100 followers!
8. Dainty Darling Digits - A new blog on the block and super cool
9. The Daily Nail - If you don't know about this nail art blog already I'd be mighty surprised!
10. Nails Etc - Another new blog on the block with some swatches etc


  1. aw thanks Sweetie that is really great of you :o) Nice to be appreciated ;o)

  2. Niki, you're awesome and totally deserve the award :)

    Thanks for passing it on too!! yay!

  3. Congrats! I was just tagged myself, and wanted to let you know that you are doubly nominated!

  4. Oh Wow! thanks so much Tabula Rasa!!


Thanks for commenting! I try my hardest to respond to each and every comment although it may take me some time - what can I say I'm off doing nail art !! :D