Friday, January 28, 2011


Contest is now closed. A winner will be announced shortly.

You know what one of the best things about being on maternity leave is (besides this face that is)?:
Its having lots of time during baby naps to stare at things around the house that you want to replace. Right now I'm looking at my kitchen island and I really want to replace the bar stools. I was looking at perhaps getting some adjustable bar stools so that when Kai gets bigger we can raise them higher to adjust to where he needs to be on the table.  I really like the look of these ones even though they don't look a bit comfortable I must say. But beauty is PAIN!! lol.

So if you are looking for something new to spruce up your place I'm gonna give you the chance!

By simply following the rules below you will have the chance to win a $55 online gift certificate to any CSN store including AllBarStools and even CSNBaby (my favorite store).

$55 Gift Certificate Giveaway
(not including shipping costs)
Rules of Entry
  1. You must be a follower of this blog and leave your email address in the comments :) Mandatory
  2. Announce this giveaway with a link back anywhere else (Twitter, FB, your personal blog) and post the link so I can see it 1 extra entry
That's it!

The giveaway will end on Friday February 11 at 7pm ET. I'll contact the winner through email.

Good luck and start checking out CSN stores to see what you can win!


Crack-a-lackin Nails Did

Quick post!!

I saw that OPI had a new shatter polish out and I had to pick it up - while I was shopping for a few baby items for Kai I figured I needed a bit of a treat!

It's pretty cool but you know what I REALLY wish? That it was just a clear coat that would crack any top layer polish so its not only black. But its neat either way. This is Black Shatter on top of China Glaze Neon Purple Panic.

Did you get Black Shatter yet? If so what's your favorite pairing so far?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Be Back Soon!

Well, its finally happened - my little baby arrived on Dec. 31st at 4:27pm!!! His name is Kai and was 8lbs 4oz and a whole lot of cute. Having a boy was such a total surprise since we didn't know what we were having. I've already started to discuss with Ben what type of masculine nail polish he can wear for his first time. I'm thinking a mattified version of Russian Navy? lol.
He's inherited my "I'm not impressed" look
So, that being said Polish On Digital Paper is going on a bit of a hiatus until my schedule can start to normalize a bit again since right now my life is finding moments between feeding and napping! Plus Kai loves to suck on my fingers so polishing them isn't quite the best thing right now! So don't quit on me since I'll be back soon and with a vengeance. But can you blame me? Look at that face! Who could resist spending every second with that little guy? In the meantime I'll be around with a post every now and again but in the most part I'll be off enjoying a bit of time with my new baby boy :) I hope everyone has an amazing winter and I'll see you all soon!!!


Tim Burton Nails Did

Wooh. So I took a bit of a break there but more on that later. For one of my Christmas presents Ben got me tickets to the new Tim Burton exhibit that is at the Bell Lightbox here in Toronto. It's actually here until April but with the baby on the way we thought it would be best to try to go see it before having to haul around a newborn. I was only able to get a picture of the front of the exhibit since cameras were prohibited on the inside but let me tell you it was awesome! The same exhibit is in NYC right now so if you can't make it to Toronto you have another option. It's the perfect exhibit for the Burton lover - there is so much going on in that guy's mind its incredible! Did you know he used to work for Disney as a concept artist and nearly all of his concept art was rejected? But then if you've seen the Adventures of Stainboy you can pretty much figure out why.

So I decided to do some Tim Burton themed nails to go along with my experience! I used a combination of all of the following: Orly Matte Vinyl, China Glaze White on White, OPI Thrill in Brazil and nail art pens in white, black and red.